Kunstnernavn Verkstittel Årstall Kategori
Just don't be yourself please Friedrich Kunath Just don't be yourself please 2016 Maleri
Blende/Screen Michael Kunze Blende/Screen 2017 Maleri
Einsiedlerin/Spiegel Var. I Michael Kunze Einsiedlerin/Spiegel Var. I 2013 Maleri
Grenze (III) Michael Kunze Grenze (III) 2014 Maleri
Atelier / Mare Prosa Michael Kunze Atelier / Mare Prosa 2012 Maleri
Nerv gegen Fels Michael Kunze Nerv gegen Fels 2013 Maleri
Deluge David LaChapelle Deluge 2007 Fotografi
Leonardo DiCaprio: Nostalgic Styling David LaChapelle Leonardo DiCaprio: Nostalgic Styling 1996 Fotografi
Naomi Campbell: FRUIT PASSION David LaChapelle Naomi Campbell: FRUIT PASSION 1999 Fotografi
Angelina Jolie: Horse Play David LaChapelle Angelina Jolie: Horse Play 2001 Fotografi
Death by Hamburger David LaChapelle Death by Hamburger 2002 Fotografi
Jude Law: Young and Brash David LaChapelle Jude Law: Young and Brash 2006 Fotografi
David Beckham: With Weights David LaChapelle David Beckham: With Weights 2002 Fotografi
Leonardo DiCaprio: American Dreams David LaChapelle Leonardo DiCaprio: American Dreams 1995 Fotografi
Anna Nicole Smith: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest David LaChapelle Anna Nicole Smith: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 2001 Fotografi
Paris Hilton: Hi Bitch, Bye Bitch David LaChapelle Paris Hilton: Hi Bitch, Bye Bitch 2004 Fotografi
Paris Hilton and Popsicle David LaChapelle Paris Hilton and Popsicle 2004 Fotografi
I Buy a Big Car for Shopping David LaChapelle I Buy a Big Car for Shopping 2002 Fotografi
All U Can Eat David LaChapelle All U Can Eat 2002 Fotografi
Jeff Koons: Sandwich David LaChapelle Jeff Koons: Sandwich 2001 Fotografi
Dolly Parton: Dollywood David LaChapelle Dolly Parton: Dollywood 1997 Fotografi
Only Fools Sean Landers Only Fools 2008 Maleri
Death in Ireland Sean Landers Death in Ireland 2016 Maleri
Trial and Error Sean Landers Trial and Error 2016 Maleri
We're All Sean Landers We're All 2014 Maleri
Dark Trees (Hello!) Sean Landers Dark Trees (Hello!) 2014 Maleri
Lamont Sean Landers Lamont 2013 Maleri
Ideals on Wheels Sean Landers Ideals on Wheels 2008 Maleri
Banner with no Allegiance Jonathan Lasker Banner with no Allegiance 1993 Maleri
When Trees Become Flowers Jonathan Lasker When Trees Become Flowers 1996 Maleri
Reasonable Love Jonathan Lasker Reasonable Love 2007 Maleri
Cast (Displacement Map) Daniel Lefcourt Cast (Displacement Map) 2013 Maleri