Artist Title Date Category
Kontrollpanel Per Inge Bjørlo Kontrollpanel 1990–2009 Sculpture
Cranium: White Rubber Per Inge Bjørlo Cranium: White Rubber 2014 Sculpture
Sinnsbilete Y.3 / Mental Image Y.3 Per Inge Bjørlo Sinnsbilete Y.3 / Mental Image Y.3 2014 Painting
Per Inge Bjørlo Kråkefugl 2012 Sculpture
Stammen / Heimen Per Inge Bjørlo Stammen / Heimen 2018 Sculpture
In the Land of the Shadow of Death, Upon Them the Light Shined Ross Bleckner In the Land of the Shadow of Death, Upon Them the Light Shined 1988 Painting
Tips of Trees Ross Bleckner Tips of Trees 1989 Painting
Candelier & Cherub Ross Bleckner Candelier & Cherub 1990 Painting
Throbbing Hearts Ross Bleckner Throbbing Hearts 1995 Painting
Trophy Ross Bleckner Trophy 1993 Painting
Invisible Heaven Ross Bleckner Invisible Heaven 1993 Painting
Birds Ross Bleckner Birds 1996 Painting
Trait Ross Bleckner Trait 2002 Painting
Untitled Ross Bleckner Untitled 2006 Painting
Untitled Ross Bleckner Untitled 2006 Painting
Meditation/For H.H. (Ruins Proclaim the Building) Ross Bleckner Meditation/For H.H. (Ruins Proclaim the Building) 2007 Painting
Hot House Ross Bleckner Hot House 1995 Painting
Nedtakelsen Håkon Bleken Nedtakelsen 1978 Collage
Lysene faller Håkon Bleken Lysene faller 2004 Painting
Terror Håkon Bleken Terror 2004 Collage
Aftenland Håkon Bleken Aftenland 2004 Collage
Håkon Bleken Massakre 2008 Works on paper
Håkon Bleken Krigslandskap 2012 Painting
Håkon Bleken Slakterhus III 1998 Works on paper
Selvportrett Håkon Bleken Selvportrett 2008 Painting
Studie - Selvportrett Håkon Bleken Studie - Selvportrett 2010 Painting
Same Old Shit Monica Bonvicini Same Old Shit 2018 Painting
Torso, Self-Portrait Louise Bourgeois Torso, Self-Portrait 1963–1964 Sculpture
Femme Louise Bourgeois Femme 2005 Painting
Point of Contact (Tits II) Louise Bourgeois Point of Contact (Tits II) 1967–1968 Sculpture
Mademoiselle Pogany II Constantin Brâncuși Mademoiselle Pogany II 1920–1925 Photograph
L'Oiselet Constantin Brâncuși L'Oiselet 1928 Photograph