Artist Title Date Category
The Insomniacs Ged Quinn The Insomniacs 2011 Painting
Air Rectified. With a Digression of Earth Ged Quinn Air Rectified. With a Digression of Earth 2013 Painting
IRIS (We Share Our Chemistry with the Stars) Marc Quinn IRIS (We Share Our Chemistry with the Stars) 2010 Painting
The Scream Marc Quinn The Scream 2010 Sculpture
Sphinx (Road to Enlightenment) Marc Quinn Sphinx (Road to Enlightenment) 2007 Sculpture
Lunar Module Marc Quinn Lunar Module 2010 Sculpture
Pillow Man Fredrik Raddum Pillow Man 2012 Sculpture
Scandinavian Apparition Fredrik Raddum Scandinavian Apparition 2010 Sculpture
Dog With Campfire Fredrik Raddum Dog With Campfire 2001 Sculpture
Konspiration Neo Rauch Konspiration 2004 Painting
Spindlegrip (Urban Bourbon) Robert Rauschenberg Spindlegrip (Urban Bourbon) 1988 Painting
Ruby Re-Run (Spread) Robert Rauschenberg Ruby Re-Run (Spread) 1978 Painting
Drizzel Robert Rauschenberg Drizzel 1999 Painting
Metamorphosing after Kafka Paula Rego Metamorphosing after Kafka 2002 Painting
Navaja Suiza VIII (Swiss Army Knife VIII) Pedro Reyes Navaja Suiza VIII (Swiss Army Knife VIII) 2014 Sculpture
Untitled, Harvest Robin Rhode Untitled, Harvest 2005 Video
Who Saw Who Robin Rhode Who Saw Who 2008 Photograph
Table of Contents Robin Rhode Table of Contents 2006 Photograph
Empties (green) Robin Rhode Empties (green) 2007 Sculpture
Color chart Robin Rhode Color chart 2004–2007 Photograph
Candle Robin Rhode Candle 2007 Video
Promenade Robin Rhode Promenade 2008 Photograph
Kvinneprofil Johannes Rian Kvinneprofil 1930(?) Painting
Spansk restaurant Johannes Rian Spansk restaurant 1949 Painting
Blå akt Johannes Rian Blå akt 1950(?) Painting
Akt Johannes Rian Akt 1960(?) Painting
Kvinne med cello Johannes Rian Kvinne med cello - Painting
Akt ved telefon Johannes Rian Akt ved telefon Cirka 1950 Painting
Pike med grønne epler Johannes Rian Pike med grønne epler 1948 Painting
Fragmenter i landskap Leonard Rickhard Fragmenter i landskap 1980–1981 Painting
Sommernatt Leonard Rickhard Sommernatt 1986 Painting
Trucker Boo Ritson Trucker 2009 Photograph